Thank you for visiting Key Data Solutions, where I can take your most time consuming tasks and reduce them to just one click.
My name is Steve Montyro and I have been a programmer with a large company and have also dealt with small and medium sized businesse. I have consistently found that there is a great need for automation of administrative tasks large and small. Some businesses have simple tracking systems that cost a few hundred dollars, but some systems can be large multi-user systems that are at the core of their business.
Fortunately, I’ve worked in business and technology for many years and I’m very focused on how computers can help small businesses. My goal is to reduce cost and increase revenue and profit for small to medium sized businesses.
I remember what it’s like to be in business and not know all the jargon terms and geek speak that is thrown around. I want to be the person that the non-computer business owner/manager can count on to provide them with the most cost effective technology without them having to learn how it all works. The trust my clients have in me is the number one asset of my business and I want my new clients to come from unsolicited referrals from the owners and employees of my current clients .
When I start working with a client it might take a few months for them to realize that what I can do is far beyond any of their expectations. The challenge is to get business owners and managers to realize just how low their expectations are. Most people have no idea how powerful even cheap business computers are. Things that you may think are too complex are not only possible, they are usually easy and quick for me to create.
No off the shelf piece of software is going to completely fit your business. In some ways, the program you bought always becomes a straight-jacket and you have to conform the way you do things to how the programmers of that product thought things should be done.
I consider that a travesty, because you are the expert in your business. I like to turn the computers from a push to a pull. What I mean is, instead of you having to push against the limitations of your software to get the work done, I put your expertise on how things should be done into the computer. I make the computer conform to your business and tasks become simple and fast, then I go beyond that to have them actually start pulling in new business.
For example, instead of just having a system that just makes order entry fast, the system could also create a daily list of referral solicitation calls to make a few days after the sale. Typically these type of calls are never made because no one has the time, but the efficiency of the system has given that time back to your employees.
The trend is the same: extract your data by making the system conform to you, not the other way around, and then using it to generate more business.
I encourage you to contact me so I can show you exactly how I can reduce computer frustration, increase productivity and enhance the revenue and profitability of your business.